Dementia: Early Birds Enjoying A Good Catch

We have been up since 4 am this morning which is not surprising as both of us had an early night.  This followed a couple of siestas yesterday afternoon and evening.  It is clear that we are finding this recent warm spell exhausting.  We are left wondering how we used to cope with the heat of Corfu in our younger years.

Maureen has been in great form this morning: very eager to help tidying up around the house. She has worked well in the kitchen drying the pots and pans after I washed them.  We then made a very early morning call to Tesco where she has been a revelation.  I directed her like a traffic policemen as she skilfully handled the shopping trolley around the aisles.

Maureen is now enjoying an early morning rest after a busy start to the day.  There is little doubt that she enjoyed the togetherness we both felt as we went about our business this morning, like any other couple who share the domestic duties.

One of the things I need to take account of is how energy sapping our daily business can be for Maureen.  It is easier in some ways to take off and do things by myself: it is certainly quicker but it may also be reckless as use it or lose it comes into the reckoning.  We cannot afford to take such risks with Maureen’s functional ability or the quality of our relationship.  Indeed Maureen’s issue about married couples doing things together is paramount in all of this.

I am meeting Gary my social worker this morning I need to sign my Carers Assessment and chat about how things are going.  The way things are going reducing the amount of carer sits may well be a sensible way to go by programming an away day into our weekly schedule.  Maureen is keen to visit family in Coventry and I’m keeping the pot boiling on that front with daily anecdotes about Bambi.  It is one of those situations where timing is crucial: on a good day with a following wind we will just go with the flow.


5 thoughts on “Dementia: Early Birds Enjoying A Good Catch

  1. I too learnt to go with the flow. Good days and not so good days but if John, my husband, sets the pace things seem to go pretty well. I don’t often make too many plans in advance and take each day as it comes.

    You are doing a great job…


      1. While I wasn’t a runner I always had my own pace while John has his. I really had to learn to go with his, I never found it easy to do this but the results were worthwhile. I have often it found it frustrating as John has always gone at a slow pace while I have always been doing so many things – multi tasking and rushing from one thing and on to the next.

        I have really had to learn patience as well!


      2. One of my daughters says she knows where she has got her impatience from but I’m learning. Can’t catch Maureen any more following bilateral hip replacement as not allowed to run any longer for fear of wearing the implants out!


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