
Hi, and welcome to my Blog where I tell the story of our lives since Maureen’s stroke at the end of February 2014.

Christmas 001Why Memory Issues you might ask: the photograph says it all.  Neither of us is quite sure when it was taken or where.  We both know it is some time ago by looking in the mirror: my hair is now completely white and Maureen’s has more highlights.  At our age we accept that both of us have memory issues:  Maureen’s have been exacerbated by a stroke.  However, we refuse to accept the concept of Prescribed Disengagement:

As 2018 began and Maureen diagnosis had shifted to severe dementia: she no longer has any concept of time or place.  Her ability to identify individuals fluctuates and is receding.  I’m never quite sure who she will think I am at any particular moment; sometimes her dad, at others her granddad or the Manager of this Care Home.  Occasionally, I am her husband and best friend, moments later her worst enemy.

There is little point in continuing stories of Maureen’s presentation when Mrs. Dementia is at home.  I’ve been doing that for the past three years.  My mission from 2018 will be on sharing the good times, as you will see from the change in my domain address and the song below:


Footnote: Blogging is one of my coping strategies as we traverse this unforgiving journey. I would hope that anyone who has concerns about anything that I post will raise it with me in the first instance so that I can make appropriate revisions.

This page was revised on the 10th of January 2018


38 thoughts on “About

    1. Paul, I DO have time to look at your blog and am so glad I do:) While this is a hard and heart-wrenching subject, what a great coping skill writing must be!! I will be following you i your journey from now on. Your “about” page is great. I have a very clear idea of your focus, targeted demographic, etc. Thank you for being willing to share your life with the world:) — LC


  1. Your blogs are inspiring! Thank you for sharing your journey with such honesty. Your writing has a poetic rhythm giving readers an opportunity to see that life can continue with purpose and meaning. I wrote a blog honoring your site, http://facesofalz.com/?p=213. I hope you take it as the compliment it is meant to be. Bless you and your family!


  2. Thank you so much for your comments. The going is tough at the moment and recieving your message has made a real difference this morning. When you see my blog today you will see what I mean.


  3. Hi there. I’m writing from Gold Coast, Queensland Australia and look forward to reading your blog every day. Just a quick note to say ‘keep up the good work!’ and thank you for being so honest and open in your experiences. Your care and love for Maureen shine through your posts and I wish you both strength and love as you tread further down the path together in 2016.


  4. Went through some of your posts. Your writings are very inspiring . Thank you for sharing your story with us. I have started following your blog, and will be with you in your journey. Keep on with the good work. Your love for your wife has touched my heart.


  5. Thanks for sharing your journey. I’m amazed how brave and positive you remain despite the hardships. I can understand to a certain extent as I saw my Dad deteriorate over five years with Parkinson’s, quite a different illness of course, but it also took away some of his memory in the end. He was very brave and strong too. I’ll be following your blog.


    1. I will progress your kind compliment as soon as possible. Dealing with dementia often means that you have to put things on the back burner that you would like to progress. Hope I am able to move on this soon.


  6. What a wonderful spirit you are! I came by to glance through your blog but read up so many of your writings. Maureen and you have such a special connection, so beautiful! Rob and I have been married for over six years now and I feel like it all went so quick. 20 years of togetherness between the two of you is a wonderful gift. You are a special writer on my list! I will keep coming for more. Thank you for sharing your beauty with the world xo!


    1. Hi thanks for your kind comments. I’m sorry but I have to decline your generous award. It’s 3.20 am in the morning and I’m up because Maureen is on the move. Leaving her to her won devices is dangerous. On some days I hardly find time to Blog so although I am flattered with the kind comments you make about my Blog I just couldn’t commit to the requirements of the award. Please accept my sincere apologies.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Vandana many thanks for nominating me for the award. I’m sorry would you mind nominating someone in my place I am not able to accept the nomination I just don’t have the time to take part in this scheme or any other. It is often difficult to find time to post on here as I need to keep an eye on things all the time.


  8. This is my first visit to your blog and I simply love the fact that you are writing it. I’m sure it is a great support for many carers. You wife is lucky indeed to have someone like you to care for her.


    1. Thany you Maddy and welcome to my blog. I’m so fortunate that my Counsellor suggestede Blogging as it is such a creative outlet. I’m also lucky that I met and married Maureen. I regret the hurt that it has caused others and hope that they will eventually accept that change is a part of life that can be painful to all of those involved.


  9. Hi Paul,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Seeking The Good Life has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 60 Dementia Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 60 Dementia Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.



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