Dementia: Moving Forward

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I have never thought it necessary to do your ‘dirty washing in public’, so the detail of yesterday’s meeting with NAViGO needs to remain with those in attendance.  From my perspective, the air has been cleared and lessons have been learned which will be cascaded down within the organisation. It is reassuring that NAViGO has been prepared to listen to my concerns and put their hand up to acknowledge aspects of unprofessional practice. The written reassurances that  I received yesterday evening, lead me to feel optimistic that we will, once again, be treated with respect and person-centred care will resume.

It’s been another challenging night with a beautiful ending.  We began sleeping downstairs with Maureen waking up twice terrified by something or other.  We then moved upstairs in the early hours and eventually shared the marital bed: sleeping beautifully just like the good old days.

Maureen’s early morning concerns are that she might still be able to become pregnant.  Now that would be an immaculate conception that could lead to joint litigation against medics who would have real  problems defending their competence!

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